

2019-GDE-Google-Cloud-Platform-Badge (1).png
2019-GDE-Firebase-Badge (1).png

Firebase / Google Cloud Consulting

In this ever changing world of cloud computing, companies are increasingly looking to migrate their services to the cloud or update existing services. Many look at something as simple as cloud hosting. We can help you to look at almost entirely serverless deployments, which require little/ no maintenance, cutting down on infrastructure management costs. 


We work closely with the Firebase team at Google and specialise in serverless application development using the Firebase suite, such as Firebase Authentication, Cloud Firestore and Cloud Functions for Firebase. Whether you have a few simple questions or require some detailed planning, get in contact with us, today.



Microservices development

Developments in serverless technologies have led to the introduction of microservices. These microservices allow you to deploy code which is triggered by events and executes only for the duration of that event process. This allows for really simple, effective app development, with little/ no infrastructure considerations required.  

What we do

We can design/ develop back-end services to runin either Google Cloud FUnctions, serverless containers or Knative, which provide rapid 0+ scaling for your applications.

Software architecture

Our many years of software experience have enabled us to find many best practices when architecting your application. We work with start-ups, as well as long established companies, to design applications which provide 0+ scaling, to maximise your costs and deliver fast, responsive reliable applications. We strongly promote the use of platform agnostic delevelopment and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) to enable rapid deployment to Andoird, iOS and the web.



NoSQL data modelling

Relational database modelling focuses on normalisation and efficient data structures. However, these databases are not always best optimised for fast, efficient applications which may only write once and be read several thousand times. NoSQL data modelling focuses on de-normalisation and can be counter-intuitive to many.


What we do

We have a wealth of experience in data modelling of both relational and NoSQL database models, combining both technologies where they may be of benefit.